Endless Legend Wiki
Ateshi Zealot
Ateshi Zealot
FactionIconSmall Faction ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
UnitSmall Unit Type Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 60
AttackIcon Attack 36
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20
SpeedIcon Speed 4
DefenseIcon Defense 18
DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 3
SightIcon Sight 3
IndustrySmall Production 60

The Ateshi Zealot is a ranged unit for the Ardent Mages. The Zealot can be researched in the first Technology Era.


It is said the very air in the vicinity cools as an Ateshi Zealot conjures a rain of fire to hurl onto the enemy's ranks, but this is preferable to being in the burning firing line.


Icon Name Effect
AbilityRangedSmall Range Attack range of 3 tiles.
-1 morale Morale per adjacent enemy.
AbilityArdentFireSmall Ardent Fire Converts percentage of lost Life LifeIcon into Attack AttackIcon bonus.
AbilityFireRainSmall Fire Rain Deals normal damage to the target.
Deals 50% of damage to opponents next to target.

Equipment Slots


