Endless Legend Wiki

Dust (DustSmall) is a FIDSI resource used by all empires to purchase items in the marketplace, buy out city production, and maintain units, heroes, and city improvements.



Basic Terrain[]

Of the basic terrain types, Sea and Lake tiles provide the highest boost to Dust, providing 2 DustSmall on a tile. Arid tiles are the next best, with the Dirt Field and Sand Dunes tiles providing 2 DustSmall, and the Dry Soil, Snow, and Snowy Field tiles providing 1 DustSmall. Plains tiles tend to provide 1 DustSmall, except for the Grassland and Red Soil tiles which provide no Dust. Among Forest tiles, Savanna provides 1 DustSmall, and with Rock tiles, Sandstone and Tundra Rocks provide 1 DustSmall each. Among Volcanic tiles, Ash Drifts and Barren Soil each provide 2 DustSmall.

Additionally, tiles with a Luxury Resource deposit on them have a bonus +1 DustSmall.


Anomalies on a tile provide an additional bonus to its FIDSI output, and there are a number of anomalies that provide a bonus of 2, 4, 6, or even 8 DustSmall on a tile.

  • 2 DustSmall: Chromatic Land, Clay, Crystal Flowers, Dragon Tree, Hidden Springs, Mutant Marsh, Oasis, Rumbling Stones, Stasis Pillar, Steel Stalks
  • 4 DustSmall: Black Dust, Caldera Lake, Earthspine, Escaped Specimens, Lava Chimneys, Ruby Cactus Fields, Salt Desert
  • 6 DustSmall: Weaver Worms
  • 8 DustSmall: Golden Tree

Faction Traits[]

Some factions have unique interactions with Dust:

  • The BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords cannot use FoodSmall Food, and their units do not passively regenerate health due to their "Appetite for Dust" affinity. Instead, population is purchased with Dust, and Dust must be spent to heal units. The Broken Lords also get +1 DustSmall on terrain with Dust due to their "Dust Efficient" trait.
  • The VaultersIcon Vaulters (Mezari) can use Glassteel Color 256x256 Glassteel as a booster to get temporary boost +20% DustSmall on cities due to their "Holy Resource" affinity.
  • The RovingClansIcon Roving Clans receive 8% DustSmall of all transactions on the Marketplace from other empires due to their "Cuts Both Ways" trait.
  • The ForgottenIcon Forgotten cannot use ScienceSmall Science, and can instead purchase technologies with Dust due to their "Science Phobic" affinity.

City Improvements[]

This list includes any City Improvement that increases a city's Dust output, even indirectly. Some of the improvements listed have additional effects that do not affect Dust production, but for simplicity those effects are not listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Upkeep Effects
City Hall FactionIconSmall All Upon Settling 10 +4 DustSmall per population on city
Founder's Memorial FactionIconSmall All At Start 60 +2 DustSmall on city
Can only be built once in your empire
Palace FactionIconSmall All At Start +22 DustSmall on city
Dust Dredger FactionIconSmall All Era I 75 Need an exploited river tile to be built
+2 DustSmall on terrain with river during summer
Dust Filtration FactionIconSmall All Era I 75 Need an exploited lake or sea tile to be built
+3 DustSmall on terrain with sea or lake during summer
Empire Mint FactionIconSmall All Era I 75 +5 DustSmall on city
+15% DustSmall on city
Central Market FactionIconSmall All Era II 250 2 Glassteel Color 256x256 2 +10% DustSmall on approval (fervent)
Deep Generator VaultersIcon Vaulters Era II 250 20 VaultersIcon +10% DustSmall on city
The VaultersIcon cost indicates that the holy resource has to be chosen
Dust Depository FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 5 Glassteel Color 256x256 +4 DustSmall per population on city
Dust Refinery FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 10 Glassteel Color 256x256 +20 DustSmall on city
+30% DustSmall on city
Dust Transmuter FactionIconSmall All Era III 1200 10 Glassteel Color 256x256 +10 DustSmall on terrain with Dust
Can only be built once in your empire
Altar of Channeling BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords Faction Quest 1500 +5 DustSmall per population on city
+5 DustSmall on city
Dust Revitalizer FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 30 Glassteel Color 256x256
5 Mithrite Color 256x256
+5 DustSmall on terrain with Dust
Imperial News Network FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 5 Glassteel Color 256x256
10 Mithrite Color 256x256
10 +2 DustSmall per population on approval (happy)
Town Criers FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 25 Glassteel Color 256x256
10 Mithrite Color 256x256
+50 DustSmall on city
+40% DustSmallon city


Again, while many of these expansions have other effects, only those affecting Dust production have been listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Effect
Borough Streets FactionIconSmall All except Allayi At Start Varies +1 DustSmall on city tile
+2 DustSmall per extra level on city tile
Garth of the Allayi AllayiIcon Allayi At Start Varies Varies Pearls +2 DustSmall on city tile
+4 DustSmall per extra level on city tile
Museum of Auriga FactionIconSmall All At Start 500 5 Titanium Color 256x256
5 Glassteel Color 256x256
+20% DustSmall on empire approval (happy)
Can only be built once in the world
Cargo Docks FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 +1 DustSmall on city tile
+2 DustSmall per extra level on city tile
Reliquary of Auriga FactionIconSmall All Era V 5000 45 Mithrite Color 256x256
45 Hyperium Color 256x256
+100 DustSmall per level on Reliquary of Auriga
Can only be built once in the world
Abbey of Anomalies FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 400 10 Pearls x2 DustSmall on city tile
Limited to one copy in your city
To be built on anomaly
Luxury Intensifier FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 400 10 Pearls +10 DustSmall per level on city tile
+10 DustSmall on terrain with luxury resource
Limited to one copy in your city
To be built on luxury resource deposit
Winter Borough FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 600 20 Pearls +1 DustSmall per level on city tiles during winter
Limited to one copy in your city
To be built during winter

Trade Routes[]

Trade Routes passively produce Dust and Science, but require some work to establish. The first step in creating trade routes is to research Imperial Highways or Cargo Docks. These technologies allow the Right of Way or Cargo Docks improvements to be built, which allow cities to be connected by land or by sea respectively. Two cities are connected by land if they are in adjacent regions and have both built the Right of Way improvement. Two cities are connected by sea if they border the same ocean and have both built the Cargo Docks improvement in that ocean. Additionally, if two cities are connected by land or by sea to a third city, then they are also connected themselves. This means that two cities may be connected via a complicated series of alternating land and sea routes.

Further details on how Trade Routes work and how to improve them can be found on the Trade Routes page.


Unlike Food and Industry where a given city's approval affects production in only that city, the overall approval of the empire affects the production of Dust in all cities equally.

State ApprovalSmall Approval DustSmallModifier
Rebellion 0-10 -50%
Unhappy 11-39 -20%
Content 40-60 0%
Happy 61-89 +15%
Fervent 90-100 +30%


Heroes provide a number of ways to increase the Dust output of a city they are the governor of, whether that be through capacities, skills, or accessories.


Hero Icon Name Effect
Bishop Julian
Bazi Safar Bahas
Master Neqra Zeban
AbilityDustBoost1Small Dust Boost 1 +2 Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
Consecrate Mawusi Boakye
Skya Keeper Dabuo Ofosu
Third Builder Gula Yawa
Grand Cleric Akuma
AbilityDustBoost2Small Dust Boost 2 +4 Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
Duke Unwin Weybridge AbilityDustBoost3Small Dust Boost 3 +6 Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
Bela The Bat Syrav AbilityDustEfficiency1Small Dust Efficiency 1 +1 Dust DustSmall per population on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
Baron Joslyn Deyval
Siryi Alastra
Sable Deceiver Napog Dauda
Skya Keeper Dabuo Ofosu
AbilityDustEfficiency2Small Dust Efficiency 2 +2 Dust DustSmall per population on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.
Lord Peyton Quinn
Sable Deceiver Bayari Kulaa
Jasah Murdap
AbilityDustEfficiency3Small Dust Efficiency 3 +3 Dust DustSmall per population on city.
+1% Dust DustSmall per hero's level on city.


Skill Tree Level Icon Name Effect
Common 4 InspirationalLeader Inspirational Leader Level 1: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +10% FoodSmall on city, +10% IndustrySmall on city, +10% ScienceSmall on city, +10% DustSmall on city.
Broken Lords 1 AquaticDust Aquatic Dust Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 2: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Broken Lords 2 DustDiviner Dust Diviner Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 3: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Broken Lords 5 DustTrickery Dust Trickery Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.
Roving Clans 1 TravelingSalesman Traveling Salesman Level 1: +2 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 2: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 3: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Roving Clans 3 FastTrader Fast Trader Level 1: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall per trade route. +100% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Cultists 1 ImpassionedPreacher Impassioned Preacher Level 1: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Cultists 5 ToolsoftheEnemy Tools of the Enemy Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.
Forgotten 2 ArborealDustDowser Arboreal Dust Dowser Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
Level 2: +2 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
Allayi 2 Awestriker Awestriker Level 1: +25% Bribe cost reduction on army. With ELCP: +15 Dust DustSmall on terrain with Village.
Level 2: +25% Bribe cost reduction on army. With ELCP: Refreshes ruins in the governed region at the start of each winter.
Kapaku 1 Volcanology Volcanology Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on Volcanic terrain
Level 2: +1 IndustrySmall on Volcanic terrain, +1 DustSmall on Volcanic terrain
Sisters of Mercy 5 ANoblesDuty A Noble's Duty Level 1: Food Income FoodSmall cannot be negative. Dust Income DustSmall cannot be negative.

All listed accessories are Tomes.

Item Name StrategicIcon Effects Obtained From
ItemTomeStrategic2Tier1Large 6 Glassteel Color 256x256 +1 DustSmall per population on city Advanced Armor
ItemTomeStrategic2Tier2Large 12 Glassteel Color 256x256 +2 DustSmall per population on city Alchemical Armor
ItemTomeStrategic2Tier3Large 24 Glassteel Color 256x256 +4 DustSmall per population on city Exotic Armor
Quivering Circlet Quivering Circlet 50 DustSmall +7 IndustrySmall on city
+7 DustSmall on city
+7 ScienceSmall on city
Can be equipped by Broken Lords heroes only
Broken Lords Faction Quest



The Ardent Mages are able to research the Arcana of Materializing technology, which unlocks the Pillar of Extraction for placement. This pillar increase the DustSmall Dust output of tiles within range depending on the Arcana level as shown here:

Level Effect Range
1 +2 DustSmall on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 1
2 +5 DustSmall on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 1
3 +6 DustSmall on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2
4 +9 DustSmall on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2
5 +16 DustSmall on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2

Upon obtaining the Cold Engineering technology by completing Chapter 5, Part 1 of the Ardent Mages faction quest, the Pillar of Extraction will produce an additional +3 DustSmall on tiles within range during winter.


The Delvers provide an assimilation bonus of +5% DustSmall on cities per pacified and rebuilt village, up to +30% DustSmall.

Empire Plan[]

The Economy and Population branch generally serves to increase the production of Dust or reduce the cost of using it, but the Tier 1 and Tier 4 effects directly increase Dust output. Tier 1 grants +3 DustSmall per population on cities, and Tier 4 provides +25% DustSmall on cities.


Different parts of oceanic Fortresses provide different amounts of Dust income. Between the three Citadels, Bastions provide 1 DustSmall and Manufactoriums provide 2 DustSmall, while Listening Posts provide no Dust.

Among the other facilities that make up the parts of a Fortress extending off the Citadel, the following provide additional Dust:

  • Luxury Resource Facilities: +1 DustSmall
  • Vile Tide Facility: +8 DustSmall
  • Sky-Shaker Facility: +10 DustSmall
  • Dust Accumulator Facility: +10 DustSmall, +2% DustSmall per Fortress on empire.


Pillaging regional buildings - such as resource extractors and pacified villages - provides a variable amount of Dust upon completion in addition to other rewards. The Forgotten can increase the amount of Dust gained from pillage further via their faction technology Dust Sense.

Resource Boosters[]

A number of Luxury resources (and Strategic resources for the Vaulters and Mezari) can be used to increase empire-wide Dust production.

Resource DustSmall
DustOrchid Grey 256x256 Dust Orchid +20%
DustWater Grey 256x256 Dustwater +50%
Glassteel Color 256x256 Glassteel +20%
Mithrite Color 256x256 Mithrite +15%


Searching ruins has a chance to produce a reward, the most common reward being an amount of Dust.


There are only two technologies that directly increase an empire's Dust production. The first is Dust Crematorium, a technology unique to the Broken Lords which provides 1 DustSmall for every point of Experience earned by units or heroes in the empire. The second is Dust-Driven Distillery, an Era VI technology which increases the Dust production of all cities by 100%.


Much like ruins, quests grant rewards that can be an amount of Dust. However, the chance of this and the amount given varies depending on the specific quest, with some having no chance of granting a reward of Dust.


Fakir has the Dust Leecher training available. Upon unlocking this training, while Fakir is rooted in a region, cities owned by Fakir's owner and their allies will get a +20% DustSmall bonus, while enemy cities will get a -10% DustSmall penalty.



Upkeep is one of the main ways Dust is spent, as almost every city improvement, unit, and hero has a cost incurred every turn simply for owning them.

With the exception of most Era I city improvements and those that generate Dust, every city improvement has an associated upkeep cost, referred to as City Upkeep. This cost is usually consistent across improvements from a given Era - for example, most improvements from Era II have an upkeep of 2 DustSmall - but this may change if the building is unique or cheap to build.

A unit's upkeep each turn is 1 DustSmall extra per level. If the unit is in an army, then its upkeep increases an additional 1 DustSmall. Each army also costs DustSmall to maintain equal to the maximum number of slots for the army, so an army with 1 level 1 unit that has a maximum of 4 slots costs 5 DustSmall per turn. This makes a few larger armies much more efficient to maintain than many small ones. The combined upkeep cost for units and armies is referred to in-game as Military Upkeep. As an additional note, the Necrophages' Battle Born unit is able to exceed an army's normal maximum size if added to it via the Proliferator or, during a Dust Eclipse, Recycled Stockpiles, but this also adds greatly to the army's total upkeep, equation TBD.

Hero upkeep is much more complicated, as it is based not only on the hero's level, but also upon the number of skill points spent on that hero, and the number of other heroes you have. Exact equation for this cost TBD.

Additionally, for the Cultists or any custom faction with the "Conversion" trait, converted villages have an upkeep of 10 DustSmall + 2 DustSmall per additional city you control (This is only relevant for custom factions).

If DustSmall expenditure exceeds the amount produced and the following turn will bring your total DustSmall into the negatives, you will receive the following prompt:

"Your Empire is about to go bankrupt. Your empire's expenditures are greater than your remaining treasury. If you do not adjust your Dust output, action will be taken and City Improvements, Units or even Heroes will be sold."

The prompt can be ignored, causing the game to automatically move all population to dust, sell/disband army units, dismiss heroes, and remove city improvements that require a DustSmall upkeep until you are net positive on DustSmall production again. Each time it sells off objects, it will provide an itemized list of what was sold off. The game will not sell off city centers or settlers.

Upkeep Reduction[]

While one of the best ways to keep up with upkeep costs is to simply produce more Dust through the methods earlier in the article, another way is to reduce the cost of upkeep itself, which can be particularly effective with very large empires that have a lot of units, improvements, and heroes simultaneously. Note that while it is possible to have total upkeep reduction for some things in excess of 100%, this will only result in an upkeep of 0 DustSmall, not in Dust being produced by objects that once consumed it.

  • Reliquary of Auriga: Once built, reduces military upkeep by 50%.
  • Empire Plan: Tier 3 of the Military Ministry reduces military upkeep by 50%.
  • Cannon Fodder: This NecrophagesIcon Necrophage technology reduces military upkeep by 50% and Hero upkeep by 20%.
  • Master Deceivers: This ForgottenIcon Forgotten technology reduces Forgotten hero upkeep by 100% (only applies to Forgotten heroes, not heroes from other factions that are owned by a Forgotten empire).
  • Mercenary Comforts: This RovingClansIcon Roving Clans faction trait reduces privateers upkeep by 33%.
  • Infiltration: Heroes that are infiltrated on a city have reduced upkeep due to the Spying capacity, ranging from 40% to 80% upkeep reduction based on the level of the capacity the hero has.
  • Hero Skills
    • Thrifty: A common skill that reduces military upkeep for the army a hero is leading by 20% per level of the skill, has 2 levels.
    • Living Walls: A WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers skill that reduces city upkeep for the city a hero is the governor of by 30% per level of the skill, has 3 levels.
    • Ascetic Warriors: A MinorFactionIconSmall Sisters Of Mercy skill that reduces military upkeep in the city a hero is the governor of by 50% per level of the skill, has 2 levels.


Productions can be bought out (i.e. completed in 1 turn with the remaining IndustrySmall cost being paid for) for DustSmall. The cost for doing so is equal to (remaining IndustrySmall cost)1.2.

This amount can be reduced by 25% for buildings and units via the Prisoners, Slaves, and Volunteers technology, and another 25% for buildings by Tier 2 of the Economy and Population Empire Plan.


Units within their own territory can be retrofitted to their most recent version. In addition to any strategic resources needed to retrofit a given unit, the Dust cost is (0.75 * IndustrySmall cost)1.1.
